Καλώς Ήρθατε στο αρχοντικό Μουζάλικο
Κάμπος, Χίος
Ο παραδοσιακός ξενώνας του Μουζάλικου προσφέρει υπηρεσίες διαμονής και πρωινού, όπου ο φιλοξενούμενος νιώθει σαν στο σπίτι του, με άνεση και προσωπική εξυπηρέτηση σε ένα μαγευτικό και ήρεμο περιβάλλον.

Δίκλινο δωμάτιο
Το δίκλινο δωμάτιο αποτελείται είτε από ένα διπλό κρεβάτι είτε από δυο μονά. Η διακόσμηση είναι ξεχωριστή ανά δωμάτιο και παραπέμπει στην αυθεντική παραδοσιακή εποχή με θέα στην αυλή του ξενώνα.
Στο δωμάτιο προσφέρονται όλες οι σύγχρονες υπηρεσίες όπως ασύρματο ίντερνετ, μικρό ψυγείο και τηλεόραση. Το δωμάτιο διαθέτει μπάνιο με μπανιέρα/ντους και τουαλέτα.
Ο καθαρισμός των δωματίων γίνεται καθημερινά.

Σουίτα στον πρώτο όροφο
Η σουίτα στον πρώτο όροφο είναι η ιδανική επιλογή για μια πολυτελή διαμονή.
Είναι μια ευχάριστα και μοναδικά διακοσμημένη, άνετη σουίτα στην οποία έχει διατηρηθεί η διακόσμηση της Γενοβέζικης εποχής με θέα την αυλή και τον πορτοκαλεώνα του ξενώνα.
Η σουίτα βρίσκεται στον πρώτο όροφο, είναι προσβάσιμη με σκαλοπάτια όπου οδηγούν σε ένα ιδιωτικό μπαλκόνι στο οποίο μπορεί να δει κανείς την καταπράσινη πεδιάδα του κάμπου.
Η σουίτα είναι δίχωρη, αποτελούμενη από δυο υπνοδωμάτια (το ένα δωμάτιο διαθέτει ένα διπλό κρεβάτι και το άλλο δυο ημίδιπλα) όπου παρέχονται σύγχρονες υπηρεσίες (ασύρματο ίντερνετ, μικρό ψυγείο, κλιματιστικό με θέρμανση/ψύξη, ένα μικρό καθιστικό και μια τηλεόραση) και διαθέτει μπάνιο με μπανιέρα/ντους και τουαλέτα .
Ο καθαρισμός των δωματίων γίνεται καθημερινά.

Τρίκλινο δωμάτιο
Το τρίκλινο δωμάτιο αποτελείται από ένα διπλό και ένα μονό κρεβάτι.
Είναι ένα ευχάριστα διακοσμημένο, άνετο και δροσερό δωμάτιο κατά την διάρκεια του καλοκαιριού χάρη στους πετρόκτιστους τοίχους. Επίσης προσφέρεται εύκολη πρόσβαση στην αυλή και στον πορτοκαλεώνα.
Στο τρίκλινο δωμάτιο προσφέρονται όλες οι σύγχρονες υπηρεσίες, όπως ασύρματο ίντερνετ, τηλεόραση, μικρό ψυγείο, κλιματιστικό με ψύξη/ θέρμανση και διαθέτει μπάνιο με μπανιέρα/ντους και τουαλέτα.
Ο καθαρισμός του δωματίου γίνεται καθημερινά.

Σουίτα στο ισόγειο
Πρόκειται για μια ευχάριστα διακοσμημένη σουίτα. Είναι ευρύχωρη, αποτελείται από δυο υπνοδωμάτια τα οποία έχουν ένα κοινό μπάνιο και συνιστάται για οικογένειες καθώς έχει πρόσβαση στον κήπο του αρχοντικού.
Στα δυο υπνοδωμάτια (ένα δωμάτιο διαθέτει διπλό κρεβάτι και το άλλο δυο ημίδιπλα) παρέχονται σύγχρονες υπηρεσίες (ασύρματο ίντερνετ, μικρό ψυγείο, δυο κλιματιστικά με θέρμανση/ψύξη) και ένα μικρό καθιστικό με τηλεόραση.
Η σουίτα στο ισόγειο έχει εύκολη πρόσβαση στην αυλή, όπου υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να απολαύσει κανείς την διαμονή του στον αυλόγυρο όπου μπορεί να καθίσει άνετα με φίλους και μέλη της οικογένειας του.
Ο καθαρισμός του δωματίου γίνεται καθημερινά.
Ο παραδοσιακός ξενώνας του Μουζάλικου
Το πετρόκτιστο ιστορικό αρχοντικό της οικογένειας Μουζάλα, το οποίο χρονολογείται από την Γενοβέζικη εποχή, περιλαμβάνει το δικό του οικόσημο ευγενείας, το οποίο είχε δοθεί από την Δημοκρατία της Γένοβας (11ος-17ος αι.). Επιπλέον, περιλαμβάνει το δικό του περιβόλι εσπεριδοειδών στην καρδιά του Κάμπου, στο νησί της Χίου, όπου το αρχοντικό έχει μετατραπεί σε ένα άνετο και πολύ φιλόξενο παραδοσιακό ξενώνα. Το Μουζάλικο λειτουργεί ως μικρό οικογενειακό ξενοδοχείο, του οποίου οι φιλικοί ιδιοκτήτες του θα σας καλωσορίσουν εγκάρδια με την χαρακτηριστική χιώτικη φιλοξενία.
Ο ξενώνας του Μουζάλικου προσφέρει φιλοξενία στα πλαίσια διαμονής και πρωινού, όπου από την πρώτη στιγμή ο φιλοξενούμενος νιώθει σαν στο σπίτι του, άνετα και με προσωπική εξυπηρέτηση σε ένα μαγευτικό και ήρεμο περιβάλλον. Επίσης, οι υψηλοί πετρόκτιστοι τοίχοι, η αυλή, η στέρνα, το μαγγανοπήγαδο και ο φυσικά σκιασμένος εξωτερικός χώρος του, σας μεταφέρουν πίσω στον χρόνο, ενώ παράλληλα τα ευωδιαστά εσπεριδοειδή και τα λουλούδια δημιουργούν μια μαγευτική και χαλαρωτική ατμόσφαιρα.
Θα θέλαμε να σας καλωσορίσουμε στον ιστορικό ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΙΑΚΟ ΞΕΝΩΝΑ ΜΟΥΖΑΛΙΚΟ, στον Κάμπο στο νησί της Χίου για τις επόμενες ονειρεμένες διακοπές σας.
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One and a half kilometer north of the city of Chios, in the wider area of Tampakika, an old craft industry zone, dominate four restored windmills ( locals though call the area as the three mills ).
This sightseeing has a fascinating beauty especially in the evening and at night, when it is full of lights. At this part of the day, people can take the most incredible photos. This is an absolute must-see sightseeing in Chios Island. There are also some small restaurants nearby the sightseeing, where the visitors can have some tasty and diverse seafood. Windmills will give one of the most astonishing impressions for someone's tour to Chios Island.

Mesta village
Mesta is a medieval village, located 35 km southwest of Chios town, it is one of the many mastic villages worth a visit and features stoned houses which are built attached one to another, forming a fortified wall. The village is built like a castle, with its high stone walls, narrow paths, and old metal gates that offered protection against the frequent attacks by pirates at medieval times.
The village has many churches, but the largest and most important of these is the ''New Taxiarchis church'' which was built in 1868 and also worth a visit to is ''Old Taxiarchis church'' built around the 15th century.
Do not forget to taste local delicacies such as Greek traditional donuts ''loukoumades'', ''souma'' a local drink that is produced by the distillation of figs and grapes and local ''mestousiko'' wine, one of the best wines of Chios.

Pyrgi village
Pyrgi is a picturesque medieval village, 25 km far away from Chios town, and is known as the “painted village” thanks to the unique facade of the stone houses, which mostly consist of stunning grey and white decorative motives in geometrical shapes. Pyrgi village combines tradition and modern motives with beautiful colors from tomato hanged decorations on traditional houses. People here will welcome you and maybe reveal some of their secrets, such as where is said to be Christopher Columbus's famous house.

Olimpi's cave
The cave of Olympi (also known as cave Sykia) is located on the southwest part of Chios island, near Olympi village approximately 30 km from Chios Town.
This marvelous site is located 100 meters above sea level and its maximum depth is 55 meters and it dates back almost 200,000 years. Although the cave is relatively small, its interior full of stalactites and stalagmites is exceptional, making it one of the best of its kind in Greece
The cave is open for public visiting from May to November every day except for Monday, 11:00 to 18:00. For more information about cave's schedule please call 22710 93364

Agia Dynami Beach
A beautiful beach near Olympoi village is the bay of Agia Dynami or Agia Theodosia. Its waters have a unique emerald color and incredible clarity.

Mavra Volia Beach or Emporios beach
Emporios is a picturesque small port, which has become famous because of the nearby seasides of Mavra Volia. At a short distance from the port, there are three successive bays with deep dark blue waters and with small black pebbles. The black pebbles and wild scenery is a result of the volcanic activity of the distant past in the area. Swimming in Mavra Volia is an experience not to be missed!
Mavra Volia is only 5 km from Pyrgi village, is distinctive from other beaches, and has a good reputation.
Another reason to visit the area is the archaeological site that was recently opened to the public. The Acropolis and Neolithic settlement of the 6th and 7th century B.C.

Nea Moni Monastery
The Nea Moni was built by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos and his wife Empress Zoe on the site where three monks found a holy icon in the 11th century (between 1042 – 1056) The monastery was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It covers an area of approximately 17,000 m2 and is located in the central region of the island of Chios.
The monastery complex consists of the catholicon (main church), the cells, the dining room, and a small chapel to Saint Luke, while it is surrounded by walls. Nea Moni is particularly famous for its frescoes on the walls of the churches that date from many centuries ago.
The mosaics of the Nea Moni Monastery date back to the 11th century and comprise a portion of the Monastery’s dowry. Today, it is one of the three remaining collections left in Greece of the mid-Byzantine period and it remains in relatively good condition.
The Monastery is listed in the monuments protected by UNESCO’s World Heritage.

Citrus Museum
''Citrus memories'' is a museum where authentic documents and historical elements of local citrus fruits are presented.
Visitors will learn about the cultivation of citrus fruits, the agricultural tools and the production methods used, the varieties, and the properties that make tangerines and other citrus fruits so special.
Great importance is given to the society and people who constituted the main factor for the development of the unique myth of Chian tangerines. Τhe Genoese and the merchants who spread the fruits in foreign markets, the farmers, the caretakers, and of course the landlords of the Kambos area, are the key factors to this success.
The export methods elaborated, the unique individual papering of fruits which shows the citrus value and the export channels that made citrus fruits a luxury product in the European markets until the end of the 20th century, are all presented in the exhibition.
The museum itself is situated inside a historic mansion, in the secluded extended area of Kambos, with its unique estates and the high protective walls, the orchards and, the wells, which will make a great impression to every visitor.
At the end of the museum tour, the history of the area is presented through a 23-minute film where local farmers describe the evolution and decline of the citrus fruits trade.

Anavatos village
Anavatos is a medieval, deserted village located 20 km west of Chios Town. It was built on top of a hill, at an altitude of 450 meters above the sea with steep rocks, in true harmony with the natural environment.
The village was abandoned after the horrible slaughters of 1822 and in our days it is a national Monument for all the Chians and Greeks. At the end of the 19th century, the village was totally abandoned after the earthquake of 1881.
One can get to Anavatos in 45 minutes following a wonderful road that connects Anavatos with the Town of Chios. There is also a climbing path in the forest that starts from "Provatas" mountain and leads to Anavatos.
The old village preserves its Medieval frame with the fortress, the Church of Taxiarhis, the old school, and the Church of the Virgin Mary. In the lower part of Anavatos, there are still just a few inhabitants who welcome the visitors.

Avgonima village
Avgonima is located in the central west of Chios, only 16 km from the Chios town. Avgonima is characterized as a medieval fortified type village, due to the houses being built very close to one another, giving the feeling of a castle. Τhe village was almost abandoned during the 60s and although there are still some inhabitants.
The settlement is restored at a great part of it, concerning traditional architecture and most of its picturesque houses are offered for accommodation. In addition, there are small alleys that lead to the main square, where the church is the dominating point of the village, with its tavernas and local delicacies. A beach worth a visit nearby Avgonima village is ''Elinta'', which can be reached by car.

Agia Markella Monastery
The Monastery of Agia Markella, the patron saint of Chios, is located 8 km from the village of Volissos and 45 km from Chios Town, on the northwestern side of the island. This monastery is built on the beach with clean water and view to the secluded island of Psara.
A small path from the beach leads to the saint's site of martyrdom, where a large pilgrimage takes place on July 22nd, the celebration day of Agia Markella. This day is very important for the island of Chios and thousands of visitors travel to the island for this cause. A lot of pilgrims walk all the way from Chios Town to the monastery of Agia Markella, a distance of 45 km, as a kind of solemn promise to the saint.

Lagada village
''Lagada'' is 16 Km far from Chios town situated on the northeast side of the island. It has an amazing natural beauty as the scenery combines the sea with the mountains and forest. The village is amphitheatrically built, ending to the homonymous gulf.
At the village square the church of Agios Ioannis is found and traditional local festivities are celebrated here during summertime and especially on the 17th of September which is sacred to the memory of Agia Sofia, a seaside church.
Moreover, this village includes and some other settlements: the one named Agrelopos, the abandoned area of Kydianta, Delfini, and Kila. The visitor can enjoy traditional food, fresh fishes and other delicacies in one of the seaside taverns and in the afternoon a cup of coffee with friends at the cafeterias along the coast. The view from ''Lagada'' picturesque little port is magnificent!

Agiasmata Thermae (Thermal baths)
''Agiasmata'' is located at the northernmost part of the island of Chios, about 55 kilometers away from the city of Chios. Agiasmata meets all the requirements to become an important thermalism center, a place for thermal baths, thalassotherapy (inhalation therapy), drinking therapy, healing, prevention and rehabilitation, wellness, and revitalization.
The two sources of mineral waters and the sea, contribute to healing, wellness, and rejuvenation of guests.
Τhe name ''Agiasmata'' is directly related to the two water sources, as is the result of the recognition of their medicinal properties from local residents, who in old times believed the two sources of water were simply "holy waters».
Nearby the thermalism center is the sea, an ideal environment for lovers of thalassotherapy (inhalation therapy), and an attractive environment for the romantics who become excited by the noise of splash, whereas writers, artists, and intellectuals get inspired.
The thermalism center is open to the public in summertime (June until September) and its schedule is from 9.00-19.00 on daily basis, apart from Monday. On Monday it is open only for regular bathers.
Source from http://www.thermae-agiasmata.gr/en

Kampos region, Chios
Kampos is one of the most distinctive areas in Chios. It is a unique residential complex, where the natural environment is in total harmony with the local architecture. It lies at 6 km distance south of town and is widely known for the impressive mansions with its citrus fruit gardens. The area was characterized as a historic site and a traditional settlement. The high walls made of the local reddish stone from ''Thimiana village'' protect the gardens of citrus fruits from extreme weather conditions, but also from prying eyes. The Genoese and local aristocracy of Chios started building their mansions in the area in the 14th century.
The citrus fruits gardens used to be watered through wells with “maganos”, a traditional way of irrigation. The two or three-story mansions would guarantee the owners not only spectacular views but also a way to observe their estate.
The architecture of the area is impressive. Its unique distinctive elements include arched doors and windows, decorated balconies and terraces, huge iron garden doors, marble-paved yards, and painted ceilings. Not to forget that Kampos is famous for its unique aromas from jasmine, orange blossom trees, and primrose while having a walk around the region, especially in the springtime.
Source from https://www.chios.gr/en/kampos-of-chios

Giosonas beach
''Giosonas'' beach is very close to ''Nagos'' beach, just 6 km from ''Kardamyla'' village in the northeast of the island and 30 km from Chios town. The beach seems endless, as it spreads over 8500 square meters and has characteristics of the wild natural environment of the north part of Chios.
It has small and large white pebbles and it is open towards the Aegean. The waters are deep blue or green, depending on the light and the time of day. It is an ideal choice for those who prefer a quiet day at the beach.
There is also a small beach bar for those who love to have a drink or snack, some chairs to lye on, or if this is not the purpose the coast is quite long and some tranquility space is always available.
Source from https://www.chios.gr/en/giosonas-en

Castle of Chios
The Fortress of Chios lies to the north of the modern city center. When it was built it enclosed the whole city of Chios, but soon the town expanded outside the precinct of its walls. It is entered through the Central Gate (Porta Maggiore) at the south end, which was reconstructed by the Venetians in 1694.
In the enclosed area, near the gate, stands the two-storeyed building known as the Giustiniani Palace. Two of the most important structures inside the castle are the Krya Vryse (Cold Fountain), a semi-subterranean water cistern, built during the Genoese occupation, and the massive tower known as "Kulas". In the Castle’s square lies the Ottoman graveyard, where monuments in memory of important Ottomans can be seen. Inside the castle, there is a central square where people can have diner or drink something. The castle was surrounded by a wide moat, which has now been filled in.

Mastic museum
The Museum is located in the ''Mastichochoria''(mastic villages) of Southern Chios, 2,5 km from ''Pirgi'' village, the only place in the world where the mastic tree is cultivated and produces the ''mastiha'' resin. Traditional mastic cultivation continues to be alive today and is an element both of the inhabitants’ identity and the locality’s history.
The Chios Mastic Museum aims to showcase the production history of the mastic tree’s cultivation and the processing of its resin, which it integrates into the cultural landscape of Chios. Through the prism of UNESCO’s inclusion of traditional mastic cultivation on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2014, the emphasis is given to the diachronicity and sustainability of this product of Chios.
Source from Mastic museum website

Apothika beach
''Apothika'' beach is located in southwest Chios, 41 km from Chios city and, 6.5 km from the medieval village of Mesta. It has thick sand and small pebbles. The access is a bit difficult, as the road stops about 100 meters from the beach, but its crystal clear waters always reward the visitor. The beach is not organized, there are only a few cane umbrellas placed by the Municipality, but the locals adore its virgin beauty and visit it often.
There is also the possibility to rent kayaks and Stand Up Paddles, for exploring the lovely bay, and enjoying more secluded coves and tiny beaches. Chios is also a famous place for scuba diving and people may try the experience in Apothika, as there is a diving school there. Not to mention that there is a small snack bar on the top of the hill, above the sea where people can have a drink or a greek meze.
For information about scuba diving and sea sport visit Apothika bay page

Agia Fotia or Agia Fotini beach
''Agia Fotini'' is a pebbled beach, only 11 km from Chios city and 5 km from the Kampos area. Agia Fotia or Agia Fotini beach is about 500 meters long but is very cosmopolitan and picturesque. It is well organized, as it has umbrellas and sunbeds and some nice taverns for tasting greek mezes and local recipes. The water is very cool and quite deep but there is always a lifeguard on the beach. Bathers can try also some water sports or just relax near the sea at some cafés. Not to mention there is a bus service from Chios town to Agia Fotini beach on a daily basis in summer.

Vroulidia beach
Vroulidia is a quiet, secluded place, spotted on the southernmost edge of the island. The shore of Vroulidia is found 35 km southwestern of Chios Town and 9 km eastern of Pyrgi, close to the beach of Emborios. Its pure sand and its crystal clear, emerald waters create an exotic scenery and make this place a paradise on Earth.
Source from greeka.com

Lithi beach
The wonderful beach of Lithi is located in a cove, only 26 km from Chios Town, on the western coast of the island. It has soft sand and mirror-like waters. The tiny seaside settlement behind the beach is famous for its excellent fresh fish and seafood, brought by the fishermen daily. The sunrise at Lithi is astonishing and truly memorable.
Source from greeka.com
Mouzaliko Guesthouse Mansion
52 Zanni & Marias Chalkousi, Kambos, Chios, 821 00, Greece
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